Lesson 2: Introduction to Traits and Heredity (~35 minutes) 제2강 : 특질과 유전형질 소개 *** 1. Introduction 들어가기 *** Here is the incomplete concept map for Lesson 1. 미완성의 개념 지도, 링크 참조 Video play time for this lesson is ~32 minutes. You can download the videos in this lesson from the class wiki page to view offline. Remember to check out other resources in the class wiki. There's a lot of vocabulary in thi..
Lesson 1: Orientation and Expectations (~5 minutes) 제1강 : 진로지도 및 기대 *** Welcome! Video play time for this lesson is ~5 minutes. There's a lot of vocabulary in this course, and you can find a glossary of terms here. 용어가 많이 나오는데, 용어 해설은 링크를 참조한다 *** 1. Loading Course 강의시작 *** 24 Hey there, I'm Matt. One of the instructors from the 맽 27 course Tales from the Genome. I'm really excited that you 염색체 ..